Staying Young Feeling Young Looking Young
Check out our amazing anti-aging and cosmetic products, we offer products known to achieve the best results for skin care and anti-aging. Many different ingredients make you look younger, the products we offer have ingredients scientifically shown to make your skin soft and younger looking, among them are Retinol, this is a vitamin A compound and the first antioxidant to be extensively used in nonprescription wrinkle creams, Vitamin C known to be a powerful antioxidant; helps protect skin from sun damage and Green Tea used in skin-care products because of its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
Studies done by Mayo Clinic suggests when looking for wrinkle creams, look for these ingredients, which are filled with antioxidants, Alpha Hydroxy Acids, and Anti-Inflammatory Compounds that may improve the appearance of wrinkles. Some of these amazing ingredients are Coenzyme Q10, Grape-Seed Extract, Hydroxy acids, Niacinamide, Peptides, Retinol, Tea Extracts and Vitamin C.
Above all else, keep in mind the sun is not your friend. The facts and statistics below are provided by the Skin Cancer Foundation. More detailed information may be obtained from
Facts and Statistics
- Each year in the U.S. over 5.4 million cases of non-melanoma skin cancer are treated in more than 3.3 million people.
- Each year there are more new cases of skin cancer than the combined incidence of cancers of the breast, prostate, lung and colon.
- Over the past three decades, more people have had skin cancer than all other cancers combined.
- One in five Americans will develop skin cancer in the course of a lifetime.
- Between 40 and 50 percent of Americans who live to age 65 will have either basal cell carcinoma or squamous cell carcinoma at least once.
- Actinic keratosis is the most common pre-cancer; it affects more than 58 million Americans.
- About 90 percent of non-melanoma skin cancers are associated with exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun.
- The annual cost of treating skin cancers in the U.S. is estimated at $8.1 billion: about $4.8 billion for non-melanoma skin cancers and $3.3 billion for melanoma.
Information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. Consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. You should not stop taking any medication without first consulting your physician.
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